Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Year Is 2012!!!!

     Welcome to the year two thousand and twelve. It sounds like the future and yet, in terms of this century we are still taking baby steps. Travelling back in time, to the turn-of-the-last-century, in 1912, the first of the World Wars had not yet happened, America was still a bright young upstart, (not at all the fully realized superpower it was later to become, at best it was more like a social ingenue) the flappers, the bootleggers nor the Great Depression had happened, and only the very rich (and progressive) had electricity in their homes. I can hardly imagine what they would think of our modern day working poor all using smartphones.The defining event of 1912 was the sinking of the "unsinkable" mighty Titanic.

     It's hard to know where we are in on the timeline right now, and without a time machine (TARDIS or DeLorean) all we can do is work with the limited viewpoint we have. It's impossible to know if we have hit rock bottom, where the only place left to go is up; or if all of our troubles are only beginning and the worst is yet to come. I suppose the nation could be headed in one direction, but that doesn't mean that the individual could not go in the exact opposite.

     This year we have the added drama of the apocalyptic predictions for the end of the year. Since the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012, we may have reached the last epoch of our age. I can't pretend I have complete faith in scholars to read the calendars of dead civilizations perfectly so I must say, I expect it could end early...or possibly later than predicted. It's so hard to pinpoint the exact day or hour...I suppose Jesus did try to tell us that ("But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."), I mean, HE didn't even know. I know I think I'm pretty smart, but I don't think I'm smarter than Jesus and ALL the angels of heaven! So...yeah...just always be ready, I guess.

     For myself I am going to take this New Year's restart and begin with letting go of dramas and disappointments of the past year...or lifetime...and pick up with a brand new day. If you notice small children, they don't carry a lot over from day-to-day let alone year-to-year. Each day is brand new in and of itself, full of possibility and opportunity. They don't have a lot negativity or doubt, and they're pretty successful in everything they do...eventually. So I'm going to try that approach this year and focus on adding good things to my life instead of focusing on eliminating the bad. I just don't really want to give the bad things much attention or energy. I think adding all the good stuff in will leave very little room for any lingering negativity. I'm going to make some NY Resolutions and maybe do a Q & A as well this week.

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year 2012!
