Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Mighty Resolutions! Here's 12 for 2012!

Here is a list of Resolutions I saw online that I thought was pretty great. It sums it up for the most part, give or take a few. Below it are my actual specific goals for 2012!!

New Year's Resolutions
12 for 2012
 1. I resolve to nom nom on fruits or vegetables or both with every meal and snack.
 2. I resolve to escape to 50 new worlds this year. Follow my progress at 
 3. I resolve to pound out 100 pages of cinematic genius in April during ScriptFrenzy!
 4. I resolve to start breathing in a group, while sweating profusely, on a yoga mat. Twice a week.
 5. I resolve to scribble something silly and nonsensical each week. Follow my blog Inkblot to see what I do.
 6. I resolve to share the products of my demented mind with the world via E-Pub.
 7. I resolve to smell the roses, maybe sketch them & then write poems about them...or make-out with them.
 8. I resolve to go watch the Predators annihilate the competition in Smashville...LIVE!!
 9. I resolve to get to know where I live...and love it (NowPlayingNashville)
10.I resolve to get up and sweat  to Ke$ha, Flo-Rida, & LMFAO unless I'm sick or we get snowed in.
11.I resolve to learn the lyrics to songs so that I can belt them out freely without mumbling over parts.
12.I resolve to travel (out west!) this year. A whole year land-locked in the middle is too long!
**BONUS #13 for LUCK & LOVE I will do something new. Something I have never done before...I don't know what it will be yet, but undoubtedly something outstanding!!

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